what YOUR human design chart tells you
Human Design is about the energy that our Soul came into this world to inhabit & express. It’s the energy that we exchange with everything & everyone. When we are in alignment with our unique energy, we become magnetic to opportunities & people meant to help foster & create the life that we desire. The idea of following someone else’s success is predicated on everyone being the same & the assumption that their path will produce the same results for you. This conditioning stifles our energy & blinds us to our unique path. We came into this world living as our highest self & Human Design is our Soul’s unique guide, directing us to utilize our special gifts & talents so that we can elevate to our highest level & live our life with purpose & joy.
Your Reading
In your reading, we will explore your chart. We will dive into your energy type & the gifts that are uniquely yours, neither of which are random. The Universe instilled both in you so that you would share them with others. Being authentically you & sharing your talents will naturally bring you joy, elevate the lives of those around you & keep you on your path to a purposeful, fulfilling life. This also reveals to the world the person you came here to be, which in turn attracts more of what you need & desire to continue leveling up. Exploring your chart will help guide you to better understand & utilize the gifts & talents that resonate with your Soul, ultimately bringing you clarity on what lights you up & giving you direction.