Your roadmap to
choosing a life designed by you

1:1 coaching
Together we’ll do an inventory of the areas of resistance in your life & develop tools to overcoming these obstacles, leading you to a more fulfilling & purposeful life of joy. With clarity & daily practice, you will transform your life to live the life that you were born to live.
group coaching
We came into this world connected, but the busyness of life can cause us to go on autopilot making us feel isolated. Join others who have the same desire for connection while being seen & heard. Together we’ll find our areas of growth, because we cannot grow in solitude. This is the power of connection.
human design
We were all born with everything that we need to become our highest selves. The key to accessing this “becoming” is in understanding & sharing our unique energy & gifts with the world, while releasing behavior patterns & conditioning that no longer serve us.
We’ll get clarity on what’s working in your life & where you feel stuck. We’ll identify how your conditioning & obligations may be holding you back. Proactively seeking out these areas of growth allows your life to unfold for you, not happen to you. Sometimes it’s as simple as highlighting your gifts to open doors to opportunities you could never have imagined. Together, we’ll get to the heart of your “why” - your driving force. When you know your “why,” you put power behind intention.
our journey
The Universe reflects back to us the work that we do, proactively. By designing attainable, everyday practices to address areas of concern in your life, we’ll build your confidence and competency so that you make decisions from your inner knowing & bring your unique energy & gifts into every aspect of your life. As you transform, your reality will begin to mirror your intention & the life of your dreams. Let’s design your life to reflect your Soul’s desires.
human design &
unbecoming who you were taught to be
While I don’t rely purely on anything but your deep inner knowing, I have found that the guidance of Human Design & the practice of Kabbalah have given my clients the tools to fast track their journey of self-awareness & deprogramming to become who they were born to be. Human Design & Kabbalah serve as guideposts & give us permission to be the biggest version of our unique selves. We were all born to share our gifts & energy with the world, but the challenge can be when those gifts or our energy are too “big for the room.” This is where we’ve been conditioned to fit into a smaller version of ourselves to make others comfortable. Transformation is challenging, but Kabbalah offers simple practices to help us pause & resist the urge to react. This alone will help change your life’s trajectory. It’s in this state of pause that we recognize our patterns that only lead us back to familiar pathways. The choice to reflect & choose better is available to everyone in every moment.